Sunday, March 6, 2011

Latina Inspirational Quotes

Queens for a Day Eight March: International Women's Day

On this date so important to the world are commemorating the efforts of women to achieve equality and justice. In all countries organize celebrations for society to raise awareness about the rights they are entitled to all human beings equally to men and women, beyond the different nations, languages, religions or cultures.

March 8th commemorates the struggle of a group of women staged a strike in the textile factory where they worked in New York in 1857, to request a ten-hour day of work and equality wages with men. In response, they set fire to the building and locked the doors. They killed the 129 workers occupied the plant.

this day, to honor his memory, was proposed in 1910 at an International Congress of Denmark, and joined the United Nations support for the celebration in many countries.

Since then summoned all nations, taking into account its historical, proclaim a day of the year as United Nations Day for Women's Rights and International Peace.

A greeting to all women, especially for those who as mothers, professional workers and volunteers help with their contribution to human welfare. And a grateful for the men who joined together to support our struggle.

Happy Day to all women on the planet!



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