Friday, December 18, 2009

Provencal Cooking What Characteristic Is It?

HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Fallen Angel Web

year is finished and all we wish to convey our sincere congratulations and gratitude for all their support given in 2009.

Next year will bring many surprises, including FALLEN ANGEL premiere in theaters.
now thought to you, we released the postal section on the official site.

still time to convey your greetings to family and migos with postal fully gatis Fallen Angel.


Monday, December 7, 2009

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RENEWED. This December 7th

Hello everyone. We have something new to you, the website has been renewed FALLEN ANGEL, and can be found in digital comics and download the first 3 chapters of the book ABSOLUTELY FREE!

If you browse through the site, both in sections of Heaven as Hell will find many things about the film inneditas.

Come and tell us what you think please.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Free Streaming Misty Mundae

comics FALLEN ANGEL CHRONICLES will be available to ALL.

FALLEN ANGEL CHRONICLES is a cosmology created by Arturo Anaya and represented in cartoon by Tobias and Javier Rodrigo Saurio. Born as a film project but with a world rich in stories and characters, it was decided create a comic that not only explore but also enrich what will be on display gr ... walk in 2010. RED DRAGON FILMS

makes this December 7 to reach ALL the comic book "Fallen Angel Chronicles," the legendary battle between good and evil from the beginning of time. This war starts and you must decide which side you are. Will you be an angel? Or a fallen?

not forget to visit the facebook FALLEN ANGEL this December 7 to find out how you can take is interesting history.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Masterbationg For Guys

are already on sale SHIRT FALLEN ANGEL SEPHYRO

Orders to
The cost of the shirt has SHIPPING INCLUDED.

Friday, November 20, 2009

How To Hack Spyder Electra


Arturo Anaya generate momentum for an entire fantasy world to wrap their story worked with the department of art and design scenery, trying to inspire them to create what is now called Red Dragon Films as "AA" (angelic architecture), which is part of a basic question were asked how the artists would be if an angel came to earth and created from a cup or dish eat up armor and architecture itself? The question was not easy to answer, but based on the GAUDI organic art and good educated eye of this team it was photography that we now share with you all.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

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Since we have the script and characters. Pre-production boot

Perhaps the most delicate stage of fantasy production. This is comprised of several departments that work hand in hand to create all the elements that help tell the story.
For the Fallen Angel had to create about 10 sets, was filmed in 50 locations, were made more or less than 900 weapons and armor, costumes 1500, implants for characterization, etc, etc.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Comparison Of Herpes And Ingrown Hair



Law School Course: Derecho Internacional Privado
Profesor: José López


18.078.216 5 NP NP 05
19.041.148 5 3 5 13
14.441.240 5 NP NP 05
18.900.816 5 3 2 10
NP NP NP 0 17,069,463 14,366,847
5 August 3, 1916


19,041,589 13,167,993 February 1, 2004 May 3 NP

12,670,092 08 1 3 1 05
11.995.028 5 NP 1 06
17.748.390 3 3 1 07
18.138.492 5 3 4 12
19.420.647 5 3 1 09
12.874.332 5 2 1 08
18.450.340 5 3 4 12
10.932.264 5 3 NP 08
9.948.347 March 1, 1909 5 5 NP
14,509,974 17,524,902
January 1906 January 1904 3 NP

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Universidad Gran Mariscal De Ayacucho

Law School Course: Private International Law Professor
: José López.
Date: 1O/11/2009
Assessment Type: II Cohort
Name :______________________________________________
Card No. :___________________

1 .- Raúl Peña, a Venezuelan citizen 19 years of age, is domiciled in Iran and Venezuela held in a contract as a newspaper correspondent in Venezuela. Because of its repeated failure, the newspaper's lawyer informs him that will be demanded. Raul's lawyer responded that the complaint is not justified for that Raul is a minor under Iranian law.

a) What is the law applicable to the ability of Raul? 2.50 pts
b) Is or not the allegation from the lawyer Raoul 2.50 pts
c) Which institution is present on Private International Law in this case? 5 pts

The Review must be submitted and defended on 09/12/2009 Section D-5-4 and day Section 11/12/2009 D-5-2.

Monday, November 9, 2009

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Meet conceptual tabs Fallen Angel characters

Friday, November 6, 2009

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ATALUS is played by Alejandro Durán

Alejandro Duran takes a long time working in the field of acting, has done film, theater and television, showing in each work great versatility and talent. This paper talks about ATALUS character who gives life in Fallen Angel.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Recovery Time For Lateral Release

How the characters were born Fallen Angel? THE SCRIPT

While writing the story of the Fallen Angel had already in mind some key characters (Liut, Angus, Larzod and Lucifer) and others were appearing in addition, as life arose Liut words echoed in my mind belonging to this or that individual and that allowed me to give life to all , then instruct the conceptual art department to draw these characters to display on screen and help the casting people in their pursuit of the best actors to play them.

For many people, the most important element in a play, story, novel or movie is the character. While there are stories that are very good are nothing without a solid character to back it up.

ATTE: Arturo Anaya T.

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UNIVERSITY "Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho"



The doctrine may be national or international, individual or collective. The doctrine is a formal power in Venezuela.
Explain why the doctrine is a source material, make a doctrinal foundation, and legal jurisprudence of this claim. VALUE
10 points

International treaties are specific sources of international law, both in public and in private, although the study of theories solely for the public.
Explain why his theory is for exclusively public law, make a doctrinal foundation, jurisprudence and legal for this assertion. VALUE
10 points

Monday, October 26, 2009

Height Of Collimation Method Example

AC The original argument started with a few pages over time and several revisions were transformed into many. Arturo tells us a bit of work process carried out with Fallen Angel.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Boat Cd Players Installation


Javier Saurio ( above) Rodrigo
Tobias (below)

comic book "Fallen Angel, Chronicles" is an adaptation of the film, but a series of short stories about the adventures of the characters that make up the universe of Fallen Angel. It all begins with the betrayal of Lucifer and his angels banished to hell after the Great War in Heaven, then passed to have the background of some characters in the story and that is where adventures to complement their on-screen adventures described.
was necessary to find a team capable of understanding the chemistry and enough with the author, to transform the cosmogony of the Fallen Angel in a comic. This was how we met Rodrigo Tobias (artist) and Javier Saurio (writer and colorist) with great talent who have made each number an adventure.

soon on the website of the Fallen Angel can find all issues of comics in digital form and thus better understand the history of Fallen Angel before launch to cinema screens across the country.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Tie Colors For Blue Shirt

by Arturo Anaya

As I talked previously worked for a long time the idea of \u200b\u200bAngel Fallen, it was necessary to invent a story around it to make a script in detail the various actions that flow parallel in time, although they were different times, so that every single scene shot in a final. The character development was plotting ways that I never imagined my initial idea, but at the end of the day was giving him a real taste Sephyro history.

is essential narrative by moving images, you should always imagine what it would look all the characters, places, colors, whether it is day or night, the planes that want to use, in particular what they want to transmit and thus shaping it into the script without leave out any detail of your creation so that everyone can perceive it as we imagined. All these details I divided into 4 in the script:
1) Dialogues, 2) images, 3) Music & Sounds, 4) Storyboard (*) , so that to an end when you have to prepare all the elements of shooting less work to achieve the same. Believe me I tell you from experience;)

So to all those who are thinking about doing one, I recommend you stop thinking and start writing, the only way is making things happen yourself, get to work, believing in you and know that the uphill will be hard, but I assure The great satisfaction. "Chance favors the bold." (Virgil)

(* The storyboard is a visual diagram of how going to get an overview of the final work.)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

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Arturo Anaya, author and director of the Fallen Angel, tells us how the idea and gives you some tips.

say the inspiration ng comes when you least expect and my case was no exception. When Fallen Angel came to my head I was only 17 but it was a moment I was looking for since childhood. The night started creating the characters and the story I just started writing them without blinking from 7pm. until 9am. the next day, the first draft of history that I wrote took another 7 years which could give best to the script and prepare ground to make a movie.

I believe that inspiration comes Cando least expect it, but when it is best that you are working. Do not dismiss your ideas to the first, sometimes you have to work on them to shape and make them real.

keep in touch;)

Attn: Arturo Anaya T.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Homeoapthy For Roseaca

How to make a fantasy film and not die trying? We tell you how step by step. Sebastián Zurita

I know many of you have the desire to do such projects or at least know how to do, I want use this medium (Blog, Twitter and Facebook) to share with everyone so that was my experience over the years doing likewise fallen angel and give tips on how they can. From idea generation to post-production of a film. I hope to be as constant communication with you.

Attn: Arturo Anaya T.

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Welcomes us how to make a fantasy film and not die trying.

where not only did they show as Fallen Angel step by step, but we will give tips for those who wish to undertake a project of this type.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

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UNIVERSITY Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho

Author: José López
CI 8,934,406

Date: 23/11/2007

From XX century under the presidency of Juan Vicente Gomez, came innumerable strikes caused by different groups of people who worked in different jobs, which first gave rise to the emergence of the first legislatively speaking union movement.
labor law in Venezuela was a historical phenomenon as part of a late and then came to different facets that served as input for achieving constitutional recognition due to collective labor rights and this was taken into account the need to create the right of association from 1947 until today.
Four (4) appear to be the features of the constitutionalization of collective labor rights in Venezuela, these are: 1

. Constitutionalisation Delayed: consists of a historical fact. The delayed emergence of labor legislation (1928, 1936), the phenomenon of a constitution that was even more, as well as the much delayed industrialization the delayed emergence of a labor movement, the long tradition of autocracy and violence that marked the century XIX Venezolano.
2. Per Constitutionalisation Saltum (Pendulum): refers to collective rights were first legislative recognition for the government of Juan Vicente Gomez, of the Constitution, which occurred in 1936 when a real law is achieved through the Labour government General Eleazar López Contreras, this law privilege without doubt, the social question, coming to recognize the collective rights of association, collective bargaining and conflict, including the right to strike. Completely replace the work gomecista Act of 1928, which stated that the instigation of the "coalition" and the collective suspension of work.
3. Selective Constitutionalisation : be explained from the constitutionalization of collective labor rights in the constitution of 1947. This was the first Act to incorporate collective rights to that range, specify the sanction of the collective bargaining rights, union, strike and autonomous settlement of disputes. The text of 1961, after the parenthesis means the Constitution of 1953, held the previous ones and expand the catalog of rights in this type of trade union recognition, the union clause, the share of profits of the company, among others.
4. Constitutionalisation Open: is given in the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela of 1999, which set out the range of organizing collective rights or form trade unions, including the right to join or not join them for the first time constitutionalising freedom negative, the trade union of proponents and managers of trade unions, the right to voluntary collective bargaining and to conclude collective labor agreements including their effectiveness and among others the right to strike by workers (as) the public and private sector in conditions set by law.

a. - The constitutions under the inspiration of the fundamental constitution of Bonn (1948) in the second post-war period, understood the right to collective self-reliance, the settlement of conflicts and strikes as essential contents of freedom association.
b. - Those recognized collective bargaining, strikes or conflict resolution, as autonomous and thus differentiated from freedom of association, understood as the content consists of two complementary and inseparable, the rights of Organization and union activity. Thus collective bargaining is recognized as an instrument or a corollary of freedom of association.

The right of petition and complaint to international bodies in pursuit of effective protection of fundamental human rights recognized in the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Article 31 as follows:

Everyone has the right in the terms established by treaties, pacts and conventions BOUT human rights ratified by the Republic, to address petitions and complaints to the organs created for that purpose, in order to request protection of their human rights.

The State shall, in accordance with procedures established in this Constitution and the Law, the measures necessary to comply with the decisions of the international bodies referred to in this article.

The constitutionalization of collective labor rights in Venezuela is based on 4 features which gave rise to unions in the country.
- The late first constitution, which arose from the delay of labor legislation and the very delayed industrialization.
- The second constitutionalization by saltum and pendulum, which is about but with the Legislative constitutionally.
- The third feature we have a separate constitution which sanctioned collective bargaining rights, organize, strike and autonomous settlement of conflicts
- and finally open a constitution, which is based on forming a union rights and rights which constitute its substance.
- The job-related freedoms shall be regulated in order to avoid social conflicts that may result when exercised against the interests of the community.

Villasmil BIBLIOGRAPHY. Prieto, Humberto constitutionalization Rights Collective Labour

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

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Magog (Mireya Sánchez) invites us to know how was the Fallen Angel STEP BY STEP

Monday, October 5, 2009

Pus And Blood From Ears

Sephyro East 12 d in October became know as the Fallen Angel "Step by Step"

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conduct a trial of Item No. 3, not exceeding 2 pages, it must contain:

- Title Test
- Introduction
- Content
- Bibliography

Delivery date: 21/10/09.
Send e-mail:

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Boler For Sale In 2011

How to make a fantasy film and not die trying (Teaser 3) Sebastian

Arturo Anaya, director of the Fallen Angel and Sebastian Zurita, who plays Liutprando you invite web activity which will begin in October.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Toppless Or Bottomless

send a message to Fallen Angel fans

Monday, September 21, 2009

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Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho SCHOOL OF LAW SCHOOL OF LAW

Year: Fifth Year Credit
U: 03
Hours / Year Week: 120/03
Theory Hours: 03
Code: 11015043
Priority: Public International Law



Private International Law is the set of rules aimed at resolving conflicts between private law of different nations.

Andrés Bello stated: "International Law and International Law, is the collection of laws or general rules of conduct which nations or states must observe each other for security and common welfare." Thus, private international law issues is timely, private and special, in which seems to be no conflict or clash between laws of different states, where these relate to the person or things from an individual who is in relation to both. A foreigner can sometimes be forced on the one hand, to fulfill the obligations his country and by the other party which prescribes his residence.

For some authors, the rules that make private international law, not international because they have been dictated by a higher authority or supranational states, rather than that, are essentially national. The international term is justified when taking into account the factual circumstances, subject to regulation, which transcend national boundaries

The Private qualifier in Venezuela supports a broad concept, such as the study of foreign elements of civil, commercial, administrative or civil proceedings, so the private international law, is intended to address other problems in important areas of public law. GOAL

corresponds to the Science of Private International Law, the choice and proper solution of the legislation or the law applicable to a real life situation, which is connected to several actors, ie the application of the substantive provisions of law or Rule of Private International Law, thus, resolve the issues in dispute.

legal standards in each country are conditioned by natural events and by the peculiar circumstances of each country, their racial, their religion, geography and climate, customs, culture and traditions. These are factors that have an almost complete dominance in the System of Industrial Relations Law. Claim an absolute legal uniformity is a totalitarian position that does not converge to a contemporary world, where mechanisms such as globalization of Nations may be absent from ideological considerations, political and social reactions, group and sector strength, apart from cultural factors in his concept broader. Attempts successful as those found in the forms of integration or economic unions in Europe and Asia and recently in Latin America and North America have shown the concert of Nations in some of these schemes have given examples of legal convergence necessary for free movement of persons and property factors. International Trade with the figures of strategic partnerships and other profit-sharing schemes between state corporations and multinational companies are governed by legal mechanisms that should be well amalgamated, in order to avoid unnecessary delays and legal clashes that could cause delays in business generated between countries.

Studying the subject responds to a set of factors that must be integrated and far better supported with the domestic laws of the parties involved. Corresponds to the legal scholar, meet the criterion that move to different nations, without losing sight of much needed items such as the ethics of human behavior and perfect channeling within the legal orders involved. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE

The elements involved in human relations, nationality or domicile of the parties, the location of property, venue or performing the act or contract, marriage in countries other than nationality of origin, separation or divorce of spouses abroad and its compatibility with the civil codes of the countries involved, the jurisdiction of crimes, and others, are connected to a different legal system to that in which it arises and where it should eventually decide the dispute. The study of various cases on the execution of foreign judgments and awards, analysis and approaches will place the participant in the management of important international legal situations. ANALYTICAL PROGRAM

Specific Objectives:
• The comprehensive knowledge of the historical development of Private International Law the study of the universal legal dimension and the relationship of conflicts that arise between the international life of man and the concurrence of the various legal regulations.
· Temperament state standards DIP
· Validity limited territorial solutions and extraterritoriality of foreign judgments.
· duality of methods to achieve international harmony solutions.

Item 1:
Private International Law. Concept. Object. Purposes. Characteristics. Denominations. Budgets for the existence of private international law. Conceptions of the DPI. Nature of Private International Law concerning with other areas of law. Differences. Extraterritorial laws and foreign judgments. Reviews.

Item 2:
Sources of Private International Law. Treaties. Usual. Jurisprudence of the doctrine. Doctrine. National legislation. International Conventions. Venezuelan conception of private international law.

Item 3:
Historical Evolution of Private International Law. Historical development of doctrinal systems. The annotator. Italian School. Statutory school French and Dutch. Anglo-American system. Background and characters. Savigny system. Mancini Italian system. Doctrines German. Contemporary American doctrine. UNIT II

Specific Objectives:
· Terms of Conflict and its processes towards unification. Regional unification efforts of America and Europe.
· The importance of the unification of the substantive rules and legislation.
• Study of cases of conflict of laws of personal, real and formal or behaviorist.
· Special reference to nationality, domicile and legal status abroad.
• The forwarding of the first and second grade and treaty obligations.
• The domestic and international public policy and laws.
• The fraud to law legal uncertainty. Contemporary solutions.

Item 4:
Standard Theory of Conflict. Structure and problems of the standard indirect. Connecting factors and classification. Classification of the rules of private international law. Standards Import and Export. Unilateral and bilateral rules.

Item 5:
Problems of the Structure of Private International Law Standard. Qualifications. Introduction. Jurisprudence cases. Collision Theory. Solution criteria. Venezuelan law. Forwarding. Jurisprudential field. Rating and Reviews. International Public Policy. Historical and Doctrinal Evolution. National Legislation. The exception to the Law of Fraud Concept. Requirements. Sanctions and their scope. Legal uncertainty caused by the Doctrine of the Law Fraud Contemporary Solutions. Venezuelan project.

Item 6:
The Country in Private International Law. Nationality. Principles. Personal Law. Top of Address. Recall rules and Recovery. Venezuelan law. Originally nationality. Acquired citizenship. Naturalization. Classes. Conflict of Laws. Bustamante Code.

UNIT III Specific Objectives:
· National original and acquired, naturalization and legal status of foreigners.
• Treatment of foreign law proceedings. Traditional doctrine, criticism. Modern doctrine, basic postulates. • Resources
appeal. Venezuelan position.
• The personal status as a regulator of relations concerning the existence of man.
• The political state, family and personal as the individual's legal position in society and family.
• The ability of the individual in relation to their duties and legal rights.
• The personal law related to nationality and residence.
• Study of the situation legislative law more favorable. Case studies. Mobile
· The conflicts produced by the change of personal law.
• Study of Private International Law Code regarding marriage, annulment, divorce and more.

Item 7:
The Legal Status of Foreigners as Object of Private International Law. General concepts and comparative analysis in the case of Venezuela, between the Venezuelan native and naturalized Venezuelan, to the legal status of foreigners. Special reference to political and civil rights.

Item 8: Civil Law
and International Trade. Commencement and termination of the personality of individuals. Personal Status and the importance of Personal Law in the birth, death and the presumption of death. General principles governing the predecease and Conmoriencia. The regime of Absence. The State and the capacity of natural persons: The Lex in negotii favored. Interdiction and Disable. Mobile conflict.

Item 9:
Marriage. Choice of celebration in the light of comparative law. The betrothal. Material requirements. Proof of the marriage. Personal effects and property. Approach adopted by the Venezuelan system of law Private International.

Item 10:
Divorce. The separation and marriage annulment. Doctrinal problems and solutions proposed in the field of private international law. Mobile conflict. System of domicile and nationality. Personal and financial effects of divorce and separation. Comparative Law. Approach adopted by the Venezuelan system. UNIT IV

Specific Objectives:
• The adoption and formulate their views.
• Study of the Venezuelan system. Movable and immovable property and the law of the place where they are located, their relationship with the individual.
• The local law required. Venezuelan law and the property regime, unilateral standard and export standard.

Item 11:
The Parentage and their classes. The adoption and their views on Comparative Law. International adoption. Solutions provided in the Venezuelan system. Special reference to the reservation of the relevant articles of the Code of Bustamante. The problems in the field of international legal relations of a private nature relating to: Custody, Emancipation, Guardianship, Conservatorship and food claim.

Item 12:
Unit Probate in the Field of Private International Law. The Lex Rei Sita. Probate and intestate. Probate capacity and changes of nationality of the testator. The legitimate and Comparative Law. Solutions proposed by the Venezuelan system of private international law.

Item 13:
The Conventional and Extra Contractual Obligations. The autonomy as a principle of private international law. Public Order all. Laws of the place of the Contract. The Lex Locci executionis. Laws of the domicile of the debtor and the creditor. The statute of limitations. Wrongful acts. Business management. Quasi. The contract of employment. Solutions Venezuelan system of private international law. UNIT V

Specific Objectives:
* Principles of equal civil and economic freedom versus the position of feudal land ownership.
· Rise of the distinction between movable and immovable property and the various streams for its regulation legal.
• Act required local and public order.
• Act of the home and property. Property and the owner.
· The goods subject to special arrangements by purpose, fixed location and personal law of the owner.
· Real body and international travel.
• Study of the Venezuelan system Article 10 of the Civil Code. Bustamante Code and the regulation uniform of the property.
· Code of commerce and the law of negotiable instruments.
· Lex mercatoria: party autonomy, pacta sunt servanda and arbitration.

Item 14:
The Legal Status of Real. General Principles of Private International Law applicable: The Lex Rei Sita and address of the owner. Special reference to the Italian Civil Code, English, Brazil, Mexico and the Treaty of Montevideo. Special reference to rights in tangible and intangible property and assets. Movable property subject to special arrangements. Solutions proposed in the Venezuelan system.

Item 15:
Legal Persons with special emphasis on Corporations. Fundamental problems of his personality and the determination of applicable law. Differences between corporations and multinationals. The address of these companies. Venezuelan legal regime and solutions contained in the Cartagena Agreement.

Item 16:
The Bill of Exchange and Cheque. Main problems of private international law generated by these instruments exchange. Solutions provided in the Venezuelan system of private international law. Special reference to the Inter-American Conventions on the subject. UNIT VI

Specific objective:

The two themes of the sixth unit of study of the program, be part of the ultimate goal, what is the structure and defense of a paper linked to a case study in which participants should prepare a study on conflict of laws given previously selected along with the teacher and which should be linked with 60% of the specific objectives of the program. This strategy allows the teacher to assess comprehensive knowledge of the material obtained by the student.

International Civil Procedural Law. Applications Foreign Law. Testing and Procedural Treatment of foreign law. International Competition of the Courts. Immunity from Jurisdiction. The agreements of the parties. Arbitration. The treatment of foreigners in the process. Test Regime in Procedural conflicts Private International Law.

Item 18:
Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments and Awards. The exequatur. Requirement to form and substance. The approval in the Venezuelan system of Private International Law

Participants must work in a case study, applying the knowledge gained during the implementation of agenda items, this essay will be evaluated at the end of the course. Its development should begin from the second unit and throughout the course. The teacher will discuss the different cases to study particularly with each participant. Participants in groups of no more than three, exhibited during the period of duration of the course, a case of conflict of laws connected with a specific agenda item as it continues to advance its development.


  • Bonnemaison W., Joseph Luis.Temas Private International Law. Caracas, 1976.
  • Brewer Carias. Administrative Legal System of the Nationality and Citizenship Venezuela, Caracas, 1965. Febres
  • Poveda. Notes on Private International Law, Mérida, 1946. War
  • Iñiguez, Daniel. Private International Law. Caracas, 1967-1973.
  • Herrera Mendoza, Lorenzo. Private International Law Studies and Related Topics. Caracas, 1960.
  • Muci Abraham, Joseph. Venezuelan Court on forwarding. Faculty of Law Review. UCV Caracas 1956.
  • Muci Abraham, Joseph. Proof of Foreign Law in Venezuelan law. Law School Bulletin, UCV Caracas, 1952.
  • Miaja De La Muela, A. Private International Law. Madrid, 1972.
  • Mauri, Jacques. Private International Law. Puebla, Mexico. 1972.
  • Neuhaus, Paul. Venezuelan Project Standards Act on Private International Law. Observations of Comparative Law. Caracas, 1970.
  • Valladao, Harold. Doctrinal emergence of private international law. Caracas, 1970. BUSTAMANTE
  • CODE LAW OF PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW. Published in Official Gazette No. 36511 of 06 February 1998,

Sunday, September 20, 2009

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Friday, September 11, 2009

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Testimonials Sephyro Fallen Angel.

In this video testimonial you can learn more about the production of the film, I wanted some of you already saw it before, but just in case not, there is.