Years professional experience in matters of succession, allow us to offer the most reliable service in consulting, management and processing of STATEMENTS Probate, UNIQUE AND UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HEIRS . In this regard, we offer our support in the following activities:
- FREE LEGAL ADVICE AND in matters relating to the submission Probate Statement before the SENIAT.
- Procedure for the Fiscal Information Registry (RIF) Probate
- RETURNS FULL AND PRINT of Inheritance Tax self-assessment.
- Equity Determination of Hereditary and its distribution among the heirs according to the order of succession.
- CALCULATION Probate Tax.
- arrangements for payment of inheritance tax self-assessed on behalf of the estate, to banking institutions on the occasion of the Declaration Probate.
- Probate Filing with the SENIAT.
- Probate Declaration replacement, should declare a new active or correct clerical errors committed in the Declaration (error in names, certificates, description of percentages declared goods, etc.).
- Application and extinct statute of limitations on the Rights for the National Treasury.
- Extends Application for presentation of the Declaration Probate ..
- Application for Authorization to Provide Legacy Heritage Assets.
- Fractionation Payment Request.
- We send monthly information of the current status of your return via email.
- Follow-up until final delivery of the Certificate of Solvency of Succession.
- Application and processing of certified copies of Probate to the SENIAT Declaration.
If you require the formal requirements for a Declaration Probate, Unique and Universal Declaration of Heirs or our advice in matters of succession, so you can consult FREE via email to our email: declaraciones.sucesorales @ gmail.com and our number Phone : 0412.389.89.02 /
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