Thursday, May 12, 2011

Did You Get Implantation Cramps 5 Dpo?

Residential Workers Act

Published in Official Gazette

Workers Act Residential

The text specifies that the functions of these employees will be those relating to cleanliness of common areas, and made no defect repair, compliance services like electricity, water, gas, or specialized work, especially those that require physical exertion

This Monday was published in Official Gazette 39,668, dated Friday, May 6, 2011, the Special Act the dignity of workers and residential workers , decreed by President Hugo Chávez through of the Enabling Act .

The legal text defining the rights and roles of people working in the area of \u200b\u200bmaintenance of buildings and residential or commercial, and dwell in them or not.

also specifies that the functions of these employees will be on the toilet common areas, and made no defect repair, compliance services like electricity, water, gas, or specialized work, especially requiring physical effort.

Article 14 stipulates that workers must have assistants if they must cover large areas too , but does not specify the measures to be addressed by each employee.

The workday will day, with weekends off . Workers shall enjoy all the benefits labor, and workers will maternity benefits.

Those who reside in the complexes in the development of the day, have three months to vacate the premises allotted if the employment relationship ends.

The law itself exclude the term "concierge " considering it derogatory reference to a model slave.
Source: El Nacional Thursday 12 May 2011 • CARACAS / VENEZUELA to

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Painful Hemorrhoids After Colonoscopy Prep

Test passed changing the switch

now navigate between verses, waves and childhood memories:)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Ccie Wireless In India

New Tabs For Workers and Workers Public Administration Reform GO

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Camera Flash Hurt Eyes

39,660 Nutrition Law Workers Nro.1.866 Decree, Official Gazette No. 39,660

Decree No. 8166
April 25, 2011 HUGO CHAVEZ FRIAS

With the highest commitment and willingness to achieve greater political effectiveness and quality in the construction of revolutionary socialism, the foundation of the Venezuelan nation, based on humanistic principles, based on moral and ethical conditions to pursue the progress of the nation and the collective , by mandate of the people and carrying out the powers conferred on me by paragraph 8 of Article 236 of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, and in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 9 of Article 1 of the Act that authorizes the President to issue decrees with Rank, Value Force of Law in Delegated Matters, the Council of Ministers. DICTA

The following
Decree with Force of Law of Partial Reform FOOD ACT TO THE WORKERS
Section 1. Amending title of the law, as follows:
Decree with Force of Law of Partial Reform FOOD ACT TO THE WORKERS AND WORKERS
Article 2: Article 1 is amended, as follows: Article 1
. This Act is to regulate the profit power to protect and improve the nutritional status of workers and women workers to strengthen their health, prevent illnesses and foster greater productivity.
Article 3. Article 2 is amended, as follows:
Article 2. For the purposes of enforcement of this Act, employers and public sector employers and private sector grant workers and workers benefit of a balanced meal during the work day.
First Paragraph: balanced meal means that meeting the caloric and quality conditions, with reference to the recommendations and criteria established by the competent authority in nutrition.
Paragraph Two: workers and workers under the scope of application of this Act shall be excluded from the benefit when they come to earn a normal salary exceeding three times the minimum wage decreed by the National Executive.
Third Paragraph: the expected return in this Act may be granted or agreed voluntarily by employers and workers and employers to workers who earn an income higher than the limit prescribed in the preceding paragraph.
Paragraph Four: For social reasons, the National Executive is empowered to increase the salary cap decree referred to in Paragraph Two.
Section 4. is incorporated an article with the number 6, as follows:
Article 6. joumey Should the work not performed by the employee for reasons attributable to the will of the employer or employer, or a risk, emergency, disaster or public calamity resulting from acts of nature that affect directly and personally to the worker, but not the employer or patron, preventing him from fulfilling the service, as well as in cases vacation, sick leave or accident not exceeding twelve (12) months, prenatal and post natal leave or paternity leave shall not be grounds for suspension of the granting of the benefit of food.
Paragraph: when the grant of the benefit of breastfeeding is Implemented through the procedures set in paragraphs 1, 2, 5 and 6 of Article 4 of this Law, the power benefit shall be paid through the provision or delivery to the worker of coupons, tickets or electronic cards for food, as long as the situation that impossible to comply with the provision of service.
Article 5. It amends Article 6, renumbered Article 7 as follows:
Section 7. The arrangements established in paragraph 3 of Article 4 and in the first paragraph of article 5 of this Act are instruments credited to the beneficiary or the benefit to pay the amount indicated or representing the same, for the total or partial payment of the benefit established by the Law
First Paragraph: coupons, tickets and postcards supply must contain the following specifications:
1. The name of the employer or employer who should benefit.
2. The word "exclusively for the payment of food or feed is prohibited in whole or sparrow negotiation for money or other goods or services."
3. The name of the employee or employee benefit beneficiary.
4. The due date.
5. The name of the company specialized in administration and management of social benefits issuing the instrument.
Paragraph Two: The vouchers or tickets shall contain, in addition to the above, the value to be paid to local supplier. Power electronic cards have access to the available balance inquiry by the worker or employee benefit beneficiary.
Section 6. Article 7 is amended renumbered Article 8 as follows:
Section 8. Coupons, tickets and postcards provided in this Act shall be single-purpose instruments are used exclusively to buy food or feed, constituting Offense:
1. The coupon or ticket exchange for money or obtaining money, financing or credit card with power electronics.
2. The exchange, payment or purchase of any goods or services not intended for feeding worker,
3. The exchange or purchase of alcoholic beverages or cigarettes.
4. The worker or beneficiary fee, enabled by the establishment of any discount on the actual value of the coupon or ticket, or the value represented or paid to supply the electronic card.
5. The receipt or transfer the worker beneficiary, by service companies specializing in administration and management social benefit of any discount, commission or tax charge for the issuance or use of coupons, tickets or postcards supply.
6. The use, enabled by the establishment of the coupons, tickets or proof of use of power electronic cards received from the beneficiaries for purposes other than direct reimbursement to the issuer of the coupons, tickets or e-cards supply.
Employers and employers should advise their workers about the proper use of coupons, tickets and postcards supply. Those establishments incurred
in the infringements referred to in this Article shall be punished by a fine ranging between twenty tributary units (25 UT) and fifty tax units (5O UT), In case of repetition, be followed by temporary closure of the offender and will be canceled, definitely The entitlement, accounting for the agency or entity with jurisdiction over defense and protection of persons
for access to goods and served, execute the action under the relevant law.
Section 7. Article 8 is amended renumbered Article 9 as follows:
Section 9. services firms specializing in management and administration of social benefits that produce and manage coupons, tickets or e-cards food in the context of this Act shall register with the ministry of the People with expertise in labor matters, for which must meet the following requirements:
1. Having as main purpose the issuance, administration and management of social benefits.
2. Having a paid-in capital of not less than the equivalent of fifteen thousand tax units (15,000 UT),
3. Have adequate organizational structure, wide network of affiliates and excellent financial enabling it to satisfy the requirements benefits employers and workers and employers and workers in the terms of this Act, and ensure the destination must be given vouchers, tickets and postcards supply.
service firms specializing in management and administration of social benefits that produce and manage coupons, tickets and postcards power may not extend credit or financing to employers and the employers for payment of such vouchers, tickets or e-cards supply. Additionally, should allocate the funds they receive from employers and employers and to support tickets, stamps and postcards issued power, to reimburse the member establishments of the same receptors, and may not use these funds in any way for speculative purposes, finally, must submit to the competent body on nutrition or People's Power Ministry competition working in every six months, the lists of establishments authorized for the purpose of supervising the adjustment of them to the purpose of this Act are hereby
powers of People's Power ministry with jurisdiction over labor and social security, Ministry of People's Power with responsibility for health and the body or body with jurisdiction over defense and protection people to access goods and services to inspect when deemed appropriate qualified premises.
irregularities found on the following sanctions may apply:
1. Warning.
2. Temporary suspension of the qualification, in the terms prescribed by the regulations of this Law
3. Sanctions set forth in the preceding article.
In cases of temporary closure or permanent cancellation of the designation of an establishment the employer shall take the necessary measures for the benefit provided in this Act continue to be given to workers and working through any of the forms provided in Article 4 of this Act,
Article 6. be deleted Article 9, Section 7
. Article 11 was amended, as follows:
Article 11. All matters not covered by this Act shall be developed in its regulation by the National Executive, with the first work to preserve the benefit. Single

DISPOSAL: In accordance with the provisions of Article 5 of the Act, Official Publications, then printed in a single text the Food Act for Workers, published in the Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela N ° 38,094, dated December 27, 2004, sanctioned the reforms here and the corresponding full text, correct where necessary the classification of the corresponding article, correct where needed, then merge the language of gender, names of ministries for "Ministry of People Power qualified in terms of "and replace data signature, date and details of approval and enactment.
Given in Caracas, on the twenty day of April two thousand and eleven. Years of Independence 201 °, 152 ° of the Federation and 12 of the Bolivarian Revolution.

Note: highlighted in red the most important aspects of the Reformation

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

How To At Home Wax Labia

Fragment I'm doing an illustration for a collective project on Chilean women. I decided to try a different language than is usually used, incorporating photographs taken over and volume.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Accurate Compatibility Chart

New Minimum Wage and Benefit Extension Ticket Cart

minimum wage will be increased by 26.5% in two
The president said the lower pay in Venezuela rose from 1223.89 bolivars 1407.4 Bs from 1 May and Bs 1548.14 from 1 September.

Monday April 25, 2011 06:58 PM
Caracas .- President Hugo Chávez announced a 26.5% increase in the minimum wage this year in two parts, the first installment of 15% from May 1 and another 10% from 1 September.
"On the twelfth consecutive time announced a wage increase. Here we go not cut wages and pensions, "said the head of state radio and television chain.
The increase applies to retirees and anyone who charges allocations with reference to basic pay.
According to Central Bank data from Venezuela, inflation ended last year by 27.2%. Meanwhile, until March this year the value of the food basket which calculates the National Statistics Institute (INE) had advanced 25.3% compared to the same month of 2010.
Ticket Extend benefit of power
addition, the Venezuelan president announced a Enabling change through the Power Law for Workers. Now all companies, regardless of the number of workers who are, shall comply with the legal benefit of the ticket supply.
According to the head of state said this benefit must be maintained even if the worker is on vacation or on leave.
recall, the official workers and trade unions opposed the national government had demanded that the provision of food stamps is universalized, and that is not delivered only in companies with payrolls greater than 20. Taken from the Universal


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Cartier Pave Diamond Bands

See you soon, maybe ....

monitoring this blog has been a very important journey in my life. Since late 2007 when, timid, fearful, I took my baby steps through the great - sometimes monstrous, "world of cyberspace, I have had many pleasant experiences for the lucky encounter with special people related to the arts and literature . I admit that was the greatest affinity with people connected to the literature related to the painting there was no chemistry, (except two, who paint and write) even though my main activity takes place in the National School of Arts Plastic.

recently had a very pleasant experience in the Nicaraguan Institute for Hispanic Culture (sponsored by the Cultural Center of Spain in Nicaragua) with the reading of one of my stories (pictured, left, listening a question from the audience). Since then I have received many words of encouragement urging me to continue writing. Still do not know if I will, you probably do, but in this respect I note that the relationship I have with Víctor Sáez (Málaga), Andres Gomez and Jose Javier Ruiz (Seville), Concepcion (Córdoba), Carlos, Javier, Maite and Cristina (Madrid) Concheta Signes and Pepa Sanchez (Valencia), Ian Welden (Denmark) and Orlando Ortega (Nicaragua) has been instrumental in my development literature. Thanks to all and sundry.

suspend publication of this blog because a number of events and restrict drag me my time, all outputs of Managua for several days relating to the practical classes of my studies. To my considerable cincuentinueve years required the same performance as my classmates who could be my grandchildren. Stating that I am not complaining, they and I have a great relationship.:)

continue communication outside of this medium. A grateful hug. ♥

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Can You Use Peroxide To Clean A Vcr


Saturday, April 9, 2011

Milena D First Movie Online

The otra.-Tale, by Melba Poetry

- Who are you?

It was as if the woman she try her questions in front of a mirror. Coincidentally, as many times in the course of their lives, without having communicated without having been seen for months, were dressed identically. Like when girls as his mother insisted on wearing them and the twins from newborn.

and Maria Rosa Maria Rosa were born physically identical. To six years old when his maternal grandfather Charles was still alive, if he wanted to know who was who was telling that had close 'calls the other to give them candy, "Another!, The aforementioned screaming and laughing are both requiring the old man approached the treat.

to fifteen years, everything was strange and funny around the same womb to be born the same day with two minutes apart. But at that age two, each one by his side, met a same young man who falls in love. Although it is not kept secret both did not mention his name. Neither one spoke of the other to him. The outcome came a day that the twins were together at the cinema. And he was just arriving when they were about to enter. Miguel opened his eyes to see them. Look, this is "my love" ... both without achieving complete babble. And Michael, the boy who had troubled the heart without saying a word turned and walked away. As color came into his youthful face, they felt his world crumble beneath their feet ... and had no courage to see this movie ...

Rosa Maria decided to ask the father to the bachelor's degree after having been sent to Mexico to study medicine, taking advantage of his paternal aunt Grace lived in that country. She was willing to lead a life different from her sister. Nonsense, said the father, a boy will not break the family unit. But Rosa Maria stopped eating for several days to start the promise. Yes, a change that comes to practice here when you finish the race, finally agreed Don Juan Manuel, the father.

But Rosa Maria graduated and married in Mexico coming only once a year on the occasion of Christmas. And on each visit, the two sisters had their experiences, their matches. The most narrated to all who would hear it was the May 15 ochenticuatro at seven in the morning: "I felt a sharp pain in the head and other parts of the body-count Rosa Maria, I was heading to the hospital to work, the I took some painkillers but get this weird pain like being beaten did not decrease. It occurred to me call my mom on the phone. A call was, she told me, Maria Rosa was severely beaten in a road accident, at this time , is entered in the "Manolo Morales, are injecting it ..."

Over the years and already being widows and grandmothers, parents deceased, Maria Rosa was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. Suffered episodes of lucidity but others were longer, in which unknown to members of his family, his two daughters and five grandchildren. In this back as five years. He lived with the second of his daughters, Elena, who for lack of a proper medical center helped her as best he could.

Rosa María as each Christmas comes this time to Managua laden with gifts. Hopefully, she wished fervently, Maria Rosa is lucid. Elena came to meet her at aeropuerto.P t seems my daughter walking thought watching her niece, is so like his mother!

Maria Rosa was sitting in the garden under a huge mango tree. To see the arrival of Maria Rosa stood. Blue skirt, white blouse, black low-heeled shoes, her hair tied behind his head as a crest with a white lace tie. Identically dressed, he thought Rosa Maria in whom the memories had surfaced quickly when asked his sister.

Who are you?, Repeated Mary Rosa. He rose from his chair and lack of memory, watched intently in the eyes of Rosa Maria. And this, by placing the bag on the picnic table and heard a strange voice did not know what to say. Delved into the depths of your brain and not the right answer surfaced. Efforts, wondering why this stranger was that question you only managed to say: The other, I am the other.

November 23, 2010

Note: The image was taken from the Internet.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Nutritional Valuecorn Tortilla

Some fragments of the lustrations I made for exciting stories of the author Argentina Liliana Cinetto. Editorial

Monday, March 28, 2011

How To Make Dune Buggy Street Legal In Tx

LABOR DAY CLASSES When does my company is liable to pay VAT? Venezuela Analysis and Synoptic Brief Summary Table

Temporality of taxable on Value Added Tax

Preliminary Considerations:

a) this paper is not intended to, constitute an in-depth study of the rules establishing and regulating the timing of Taxable Tax on Value Added constitutes a representation slightly more graphic and condensed as a guide for the reader is located in a simple manner within the legal context.
b) Notably, the legislature homeland, in the opinion of the undersigned, sets aside the reality of how they operate the majority of SME's in business relations covered in the commercial customs, making it difficult in many cases to determine the point at which tax liability arises, with exception, of course, originated by the issuance of the invoice.
c) can not be put aside the endless inaccuracies, vagueness and ambiguities that abound in the national legislation regulating the matter, and of which much has been said and written, it is imperative to mention the expression "Authorization of Payment Order issue" that determines, according to our regulations, the emergence of tax liability in the negotiations with State entities.

Temporality refers to the time that means the taxable event occurred and thus was born the tax liability.

Overall recognized in our legislation four generators of tax made in respect of VAT, these are, the alienation of movable property, the provision of services (including services from abroad), the final importation of goods furniture and furniture exports of goods and services, this in terms of activity on which the tax is [1] , however it should be noted that the law makes a second distinction, and is referred to the budget that defines the emergence of tax liability in relation to body organ or recipient of goods or services, and there is a differentiation as to whether the entity recipient of the good or service is a public body, or whether it is a private entity, in the first case, the problem, a despite the inaccuracies of the standard is less important, on course to the topic at hand, namely the determination of when tax liability arises, without considering the implications of an economic, tax, or of strict legal order and the exceptions, and the reason being is that in principle the standard defines a unique moment for the birth of the obligation, namely: "the authorization of the payment order "and is manifest in Article 13 Nral . 1 Ltl. A and Nral. 3 Ltl. C LIVA [2]

Article 13. occurred or shall be deemed perfected born taxable events and, consequently, the tax liability:

1. In the sale of goods:
a) In the case of sales to public entities, when authorized the issuance of the order for payment .
Omissis ...

3. In providing services:
omissis ...
c) In the case of services provided to public entities, where authorized the issuance of the order payment corresponding . [3]

same situation would in the case of permanent imports of personal property and services from abroad, in which case, in principle, the law provides for one single moment as the generator of the birth of the tax liability that under the regulations, what is, in the case of imports of goods, the registration for customs declaration and the services from abroad, the time of receipt by the beneficiary or recipient of service. Article 13 Nral. 2 and Nral. 3 Ltl. D

Article 13. occurred or shall be deemed perfected born taxable events and, consequently, the tax liability:
Omissis ...
2. In the final importation of personal property at the time that occurs the relevant registration customs declaration.

3. In providing services:
omissis ...
d) In cases of consistent performance in services from outside ... born is considered the tax liability from the time of receipt by beneficiary or recipient of service.

concludes with an analysis concerning the sale of goods and services when they are made and non-governmental bodies, and at this point where SME's, especially those who are starting their operations, and even those with some years of operation, has made mistakes, which in all honesty, and based on my experience as a consultant, committed through ignorance of the rule and lack of rigor and control in their administrative processes, for which depart from the standard:

Article 13. occurred or shall be deemed perfected born taxable events and, consequently, the tax liability:

1. In the sale of goods:
b) In all other cases other than those mentioned in the previous (Sales to public authorities ) [4] , when the invoice is issued or equivalent document attesting to the operation or price is paid or from which delivery is made real goods, depending on what happens first.
Omissis ...

3. In providing services:
omissis ...
e) In all other cases other than those mentioned in the previous (Public Services and Telecommunications services successive, Services provided to public entities and services from abroad) [5] , when issued invoices or equivalent documents by those providing the service, run the provision , paid , Or the consideration becomes due or is delivered or made available to the acquirer rather than the service had been , as whichever comes first.

the foregoing, we conclude then that our legislature outlines four possible scenarios which give rise to tax liability in relation to the sale of movable goods of services I provide non-governmental entities, the first of them is the invoicing, which clearly should be the event of liability for excellence and because it is a document containing all information necessary to determine the tax. Second, the rule mentions the issue of an equivalent document bill but which are not defined in these documents, we could say that a document equivalent to the bill could be a Delivery Note what which is ruled under this document necessarily imply that the delivery of goods which is in itself an event of the obligation, we could also talk about the Order Shopping which brings together the elements necessary for determining the tribute, in addition to be a contract obligating the parties, notwithstanding the issuance of this depends on the buyer and not the seller, being the tribute event is the sale and no purchase is then discarded, and another document used by some companies is the Pre-bill , which certainly meets all the requirements necessary to give birth to determine the tax liability and nevertheless is not a document widely used let alone compulsory. Made all these considerations, we the peak of the matter is that as a result of the systematization of accounting and administrative processes, existing programs market meet the requirements of state control, and the State through SENIAT [6] requires that statements be made using the technological platform designed for such order, which prohibits the registration of operations if not incorporated all the information required by the system, including invoice number, control number, tax base, among others, many of these data are unique to the bill and not others documents so the system would not incorporate. now attending to the physical delivery of goods or effective service delivery , being that it is any of these occurs first, is common in our business practices and under the business relationship that suppliers deliver goods to customers or providing services read to cover last-minute gaps in inventories, to meet emergency situations or for some other reason, without using any documentation, the operation takes place with one telephone call, based on the standard since birth opened the tax liability, however, how these operations can be recorded in both the taxpayer and systems in the platform SENIAT?, The biggest problem arises when these events occur near the dates for the claim because it runs the risk of lateness.

In conclusion, in the opinion of the undersigned, have rules that are inapplicable in a practical sense, it is time to review the rules and honestly to the reality of our country, and technological progress.

[1] Arts. 1 and 3 LIVA

[3] further reading of Article "The timing of the tax base in cases of sales and services to State Enterprises ( Sunday June 6, 2010).

Camilo London - Tax Advisor

Http: / /

[5] ITEM the author.
[6] National Integrated Customs and Tax Administration

Friday, March 25, 2011

How To Build A Three Hut Rabbit Hut

A chart, a full moon eclipse and a long time ago

Sunday, March 20, 2011

How To Get A Gameshark On Gpsphone Without Ssh

given me by looking back the last time and among many things I found are photographs of some oil paintings I did for over a decade. Were made in an old house in an old district of Santiago where we shared the day with two friends from college. Spaces, windows and light were really inspiring so I spent several months recording and recreating its corners.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Canon Mp530 Printer Clogged Nozzle

Details a nice book of poems for kids that I get to finish these days

Fotos De Mulher Nau 4

China: Wang-Yi Bai (681-752)


you did not notice
slight step into the waters
dream wrinkled,
blue river dawn
your feet mixed
transparent with gold leaf fall.

Would I have loved you blindly?
Would you have washed your hair
in the dark came from my lips?

Now all I can offer my love wind
and white ice cream song of my bones.

Wang-Yi Bai (681-752)
(Translation: L. Tamaral)

Note: image was taken from the Internet.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Are There Any Treatments For Lazy Eye

National School of Plastic Arts, in which study-is attached to the Nicaraguan Institute of Culture. And this institute held at large, yesterday, the International Women's Day. In a ceremony gave us a delightful concert with the National Orchestra (also attached to the institute), roses, gifts, cakes, soft drinks, Mexican dishes ... ALL SERVED BY MEN, Life, I hope you were forever! Or at least more than once per year. :)

The best gift for me and all the techniques yesterday was the decision of the International Tribunal in The Hague on behalf of Nicaragua to the demand for Costa Rica.

The Rio San Juan is unique!


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Latina Inspirational Quotes

Queens for a Day Eight March: International Women's Day

On this date so important to the world are commemorating the efforts of women to achieve equality and justice. In all countries organize celebrations for society to raise awareness about the rights they are entitled to all human beings equally to men and women, beyond the different nations, languages, religions or cultures.

March 8th commemorates the struggle of a group of women staged a strike in the textile factory where they worked in New York in 1857, to request a ten-hour day of work and equality wages with men. In response, they set fire to the building and locked the doors. They killed the 129 workers occupied the plant.

this day, to honor his memory, was proposed in 1910 at an International Congress of Denmark, and joined the United Nations support for the celebration in many countries.

Since then summoned all nations, taking into account its historical, proclaim a day of the year as United Nations Day for Women's Rights and International Peace.

A greeting to all women, especially for those who as mothers, professional workers and volunteers help with their contribution to human welfare. And a grateful for the men who joined together to support our struggle.

Happy Day to all women on the planet!


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Wedding Thank You Note Messages

No woman is better than the sea .-

no woman
is better than the sea and even
all fish fit in your belly
whole story is summed up in his cave all our delusions
appease their breasts

no woman is better than
sea and all inland bays

name is written in all
galleries remember there is a flower of fire in the fog
kisses that go to the grave with us

no woman is better than the sea
and fury of the waves
leads us to the top
or plunges us in the silence of death

no woman is better than the sea

and still keeps my lighthouse look
between nutrient Sargasso Sea.

      Osvaldo Sauna (Costa Rica, 1949)
      Note: The image was taken from the Internet.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Seal N Send Templates

Osvaldo Sauma Melancholy Sonnet .- Rubén Darío

Sunday Bolivar A

Brother, you who have the light, tell me mine.
'm like a blind man. I'm aimless groping.
on tempests and storms I
blind and crazy dream of harmony.

That's my bad. Dream. Poetry
iron shirt is one thousand tips bloody
I've been on the soul. Bloody thorns
drop the drops of my sadness.

And I go blind and mad, in this bitter world;
sometimes I think the road is very long,
and sometimes it is very short ...

And this hesitation of breath and dying,
full of penalties under which barely stand.
Do not you hear the drops of my sadness?

Aleyda Dedicated to my daughter and in memory of his recently deceased friend, the poet Udiel Francisco Ruiz (1977-2011) "Melancholy", sonnet both favorite. Melba

Note: The image was taken from intenet.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Hawaiian Phrases Tattoo

Income Tax deductions Bs.76 2011 UT, 00

Spreadsheet formats are Excelque from year to year will update the values \u200b\u200bfor Withholding Income Tax, by changing the value of the Tax Unit (From Network) https: / / /? authuser = 0 # folders/folder.0.0B-yFYpE3ZhP5MGE0YTZjM2MtOWU1YS00MzQzLTkwMmYtNzc3YjMwMGNiOTMz

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Best Running Shoes Bad Back

The hero .- By Rabindranath Tagore

Mother, imagine that we travel, we go through a strange and dangerous country.
I ride a horse blonde next to your palanquin.
The sun sets it gets dark. Joradoghi the desert, gray and desolate stretches before us.
The fear takes hold of you and think: 'Where are we? "
But I say: 'Fear not, mother. "
The land is fraught with thorns and crosses a narrow path.
All herds have already returned to the stables of the people and the vast extent not seen any living thing.
The darkness grows, the field and the sky cleared and we can not distinguish our way.
suddenly call me and tell me your ear: 'What is that light, there, next to the shore? " You hear a terrible scream and then the shadows come running towards us.
You will cuddle in your palanquin and invoke the gods.
carriers, scared, hiding in the bushes.
But I cry: 'Do not be afraid, mother, I'm here! " Armed with long sticks, hair in the wind, the bandits approaching.
I warn: 'Stop, wicked! One more step and are dead! "
His rages and screams are released upon us.
You you take my hands and say, 'My son, I beg you, escape from them! "
And I say, 'Mother, you'll see what I do. "
then spurred my horse and galloped off. My sword and shield clashing noisily.
The fight is so terrible mother who would die of terror if you could see it from your palanquin.
Many flee, many more are butchered.
Thou still and alone, no doubt thinking: 'My son will be dead already. "
But I arrived, drenched in blood, and I say, 'Mother, the fight is over. "
You descend from the palanquin, kiss me, and pressing it to your heart I say, 'What would become of me if my child had escorted me? "
Every day thousand useless things happen. Why not be possible to have such an adventure? It would be like a fairy books.
My brother would say, 'Is it possible? I always had for so little! "
And the townspeople proclaim: 'How lucky mother to have her son by her side! "

Rabindarnath Tagore (Calcutta, May 7, 1861 - Santiniketan, 1941)

Note: The image was taken from the Internet.


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How Much Weight Can Bulimics Lose

Piece Paintings

Thursday, February 17, 2011

How To Hide Tongue Pierce

A year has passed the earthquake that struck our country. For this reason it is doing photo exhibition "Memory earthy" in the Extension Center Identity and Heritage Council of Culture (Valparaiso) until March 13 that proposes to reflect on the earthquake as a landmark biography and as an exercise of recovery and consolidation of memory.
For this exhibition I was invited to work with an image to create postcards and posters with illustrators Fco Javier Olea , Alberto Montt , Olivier balèze . One of the postcards are made with a wonderful illustration of the great Lukas

Monday, February 7, 2011

Jumping Jack Trailers For Sale Used


"Sunset at Santiago"

fast These paintings from sketches made at some point and I have developed to see if I can let go and realize more free spots and lines in a couple of projects I'm starting.