Monday, October 26, 2009
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AC The original argument started with a few pages over time and several revisions were transformed into many. Arturo tells us a bit of work process carried out with Fallen Angel.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
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Javier Saurio ( above) Rodrigo
Tobias (below)
comic book "Fallen Angel, Chronicles" is an adaptation of the film, but a series of short stories about the adventures of the characters that make up the universe of Fallen Angel. It all begins with the betrayal of Lucifer and his angels banished to hell after the Great War in Heaven, then passed to have the background of some characters in the story and that is where adventures to complement their on-screen adventures described.
was necessary to find a team capable of understanding the chemistry and enough with the author, to transform the cosmogony of the Fallen Angel in a comic. This was how we met Rodrigo Tobias (artist) and Javier Saurio (writer and colorist) with great talent who have made each number an adventure.
soon on the website of the Fallen Angel can find all issues of comics in digital form and thus better understand the history of Fallen Angel before launch to cinema screens across the country.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Tie Colors For Blue Shirt
by Arturo Anaya
As I talked previously worked for a long time the idea of \u200b\u200bAngel Fallen, it was necessary to invent a story around it to make a script in detail the various actions that flow parallel in time, although they were different times, so that every single scene shot in a final. The character development was plotting ways that I never imagined my initial idea, but at the end of the day was giving him a real taste Sephyro history.
is essential narrative by moving images, you should always imagine what it would look all the characters, places, colors, whether it is day or night, the planes that want to use, in particular what they want to transmit and thus shaping it into the script without leave out any detail of your creation so that everyone can perceive it as we imagined. All these details I divided into 4 in the script:
1) Dialogues, 2) images, 3) Music & Sounds, 4) Storyboard (*) , so that to an end when you have to prepare all the elements of shooting less work to achieve the same. Believe me I tell you from experience;)
So to all those who are thinking about doing one, I recommend you stop thinking and start writing, the only way is making things happen yourself, get to work, believing in you and know that the uphill will be hard, but I assure The great satisfaction. "Chance favors the bold." (Virgil)
(* The storyboard is a visual diagram of how going to get an overview of the final work.)
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
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say the inspiration ng comes when you least expect and my case was no exception. When Fallen Angel came to my head I was only 17 but it was a moment I was looking for since childhood. The night started creating the characters and the story I just started writing them without blinking from 7pm. until 9am. the next day, the first draft of history that I wrote took another 7 years which could give best to the script and prepare ground to make a movie.
I believe that inspiration comes Cando least expect it, but when it is best that you are working. Do not dismiss your ideas to the first, sometimes you have to work on them to shape and make them real.
keep in touch;)
Attn: Arturo Anaya T.
Monday, October 12, 2009
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Attn: Arturo Anaya T.
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where not only did they show as Fallen Angel step by step, but we will give tips for those who wish to undertake a project of this type.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
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From XX century under the presidency of Juan Vicente Gomez, came innumerable strikes caused by different groups of people who worked in different jobs, which first gave rise to the emergence of the first legislatively speaking union movement.
labor law in Venezuela was a historical phenomenon as part of a late and then came to different facets that served as input for achieving constitutional recognition due to collective labor rights and this was taken into account the need to create the right of association from 1947 until today.
Four (4) appear to be the features of the constitutionalization of collective labor rights in Venezuela, these are: 1
. Constitutionalisation Delayed: consists of a historical fact. The delayed emergence of labor legislation (1928, 1936), the phenomenon of a constitution that was even more, as well as the much delayed industrialization the delayed emergence of a labor movement, the long tradition of autocracy and violence that marked the century XIX Venezolano.
2. Per Constitutionalisation Saltum (Pendulum): refers to collective rights were first legislative recognition for the government of Juan Vicente Gomez, of the Constitution, which occurred in 1936 when a real law is achieved through the Labour government General Eleazar López Contreras, this law privilege without doubt, the social question, coming to recognize the collective rights of association, collective bargaining and conflict, including the right to strike. Completely replace the work gomecista Act of 1928, which stated that the instigation of the "coalition" and the collective suspension of work.
3. Selective Constitutionalisation : be explained from the constitutionalization of collective labor rights in the constitution of 1947. This was the first Act to incorporate collective rights to that range, specify the sanction of the collective bargaining rights, union, strike and autonomous settlement of disputes. The text of 1961, after the parenthesis means the Constitution of 1953, held the previous ones and expand the catalog of rights in this type of trade union recognition, the union clause, the share of profits of the company, among others.
4. Constitutionalisation Open: is given in the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela of 1999, which set out the range of organizing collective rights or form trade unions, including the right to join or not join them for the first time constitutionalising freedom negative, the trade union of proponents and managers of trade unions, the right to voluntary collective bargaining and to conclude collective labor agreements including their effectiveness and among others the right to strike by workers (as) the public and private sector in conditions set by law.
a. - The constitutions under the inspiration of the fundamental constitution of Bonn (1948) in the second post-war period, understood the right to collective self-reliance, the settlement of conflicts and strikes as essential contents of freedom association.
b. - Those recognized collective bargaining, strikes or conflict resolution, as autonomous and thus differentiated from freedom of association, understood as the content consists of two complementary and inseparable, the rights of Organization and union activity. Thus collective bargaining is recognized as an instrument or a corollary of freedom of association.
The right of petition and complaint to international bodies in pursuit of effective protection of fundamental human rights recognized in the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Article 31 as follows:
Everyone has the right in the terms established by treaties, pacts and conventions BOUT human rights ratified by the Republic, to address petitions and complaints to the organs created for that purpose, in order to request protection of their human rights.
The State shall, in accordance with procedures established in this Constitution and the Law, the measures necessary to comply with the decisions of the international bodies referred to in this article.
The constitutionalization of collective labor rights in Venezuela is based on 4 features which gave rise to unions in the country.
- The late first constitution, which arose from the delay of labor legislation and the very delayed industrialization.
- The second constitutionalization by saltum and pendulum, which is about but with the Legislative constitutionally.
- The third feature we have a separate constitution which sanctioned collective bargaining rights, organize, strike and autonomous settlement of conflicts
- and finally open a constitution, which is based on forming a union rights and rights which constitute its substance.
- The job-related freedoms shall be regulated in order to avoid social conflicts that may result when exercised against the interests of the community.
Villasmil BIBLIOGRAPHY. Prieto, Humberto constitutionalization Rights Collective Labour
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
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Monday, October 5, 2009
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conduct a trial of Item No. 3, not exceeding 2 pages, it must contain:
- Title Test
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Delivery date: 21/10/09.
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Thursday, October 1, 2009
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Arturo Anaya, director of the Fallen Angel and Sebastian Zurita, who plays Liutprando you invite web activity which will begin in October.